Covering space

Results: 181

51Algebraic topology / Homeomorphism / Homotopy / Topological manifold / Topological space / Space / Covering space / Surface / Topology / Geometric topology / General topology

Asia Pacific Mathematics Newsletter 1 Topology of Topology

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Language: English - Date: 2015-03-02 02:24:45
52Mathematical analysis / Operator theory / Positive-definite kernel / Summation / Entropy / Mathematics / Hilbert space / Information theory

Covering Numbers for Support Vector Machines Ying Guo Peter L. Bartlett John Shawe-Taylor Robert C. Williamson

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Language: English - Date: 2005-03-22 05:31:54
53Operator theory / Hilbert space / Statistical classification / Kernel / Eigenvalues and eigenvectors / Positive-definite kernel / Inner product space / Entropy / Support vector machine / Algebra / Mathematics / Linear algebra

IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY, VOL. 48, NO. 1, JANUARY[removed]Covering Numbers for Support Vector Machines Ying Guo, Student Member, IEEE, Peter L. Bartlett, Member, IEEE, John Shawe-Taylor, Member, IEEE, an

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Language: English - Date: 2002-01-24 23:58:21
54Calculus / General topology / Continuous function / Uniform continuity / Limit superior and limit inferior / Metric space / Sheaf / Proofs of convergence of random variables / Vitali covering lemma / Mathematical analysis / Mathematics / Topology

Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory, [removed]–8 Topological Sequence Entropy and Chaos of Star Maps* J.S. C´anovas Departamento de Matem´

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Language: English - Date: 2013-02-07 10:33:59
55Homotopy theory / Algebraic topology / Topological graph theory / Graph connectivity / Homotopy / Covering space / Path / Differential geometry of surfaces / Graph / Graph theory / Topology / Mathematics

Optimal Pants Decompositions and Shortest Homotopic Cycles on an Orientable Surface∗ ´ COLIN DE VERDIERE ` Eric

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Language: English - Date: 2010-01-05 10:36:32
56Mathematics / Algebraic topology / Steenrod algebra / Homotopy group / XTR / CW complex / Covering space / Quasigroup / Homotopy / Abstract algebra / Topology / Homotopy theory

This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and shar

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Language: English - Date: 2008-11-26 07:54:00
57Algebraic topology / Topological spaces / Topological graph theory / Morse theory / CW complex / Contractible space / Covering space / Link / Deformation retract / Topology / Mathematics / Homotopy theory

Mathematical Communications[removed]), [removed]PL Morse theory∗ Mladen Bestvina†

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Language: English - Date: 2009-02-15 19:39:32
58Analytic number theory / Elliptic curve / Group theory / Covering space / Locomotives of the London and North Eastern Railway / Abstract algebra / Topology / Mathematics

CYCLES OF COVERS E. V. FLYNN AND J. WUNDERLE Abstract. We initially consider an example of Flynn and Redmond, which gives an infinite family of curves to which Chabauty’s Theorem is not applicable, and which even resis

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Language: English - Date: 2009-08-31 23:35:40
59Homological algebra / Differential topology / Homotopy theory / Chain complex / Čech cohomology / Sheaf / Degree of a continuous mapping / Cohomology / Homology / Topology / Abstract algebra / Algebraic topology

Math 632. Cech Cohomology and Alternating Cochains Let U = {Ui }i∈I be an arbitrary open covering of a topological space X and let F a sheaf of abelian ˇ groups on X. This data is fixed. Let C • (F ) denote the ‘u

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Language: English - Date: 2010-02-23 18:44:05
60Homotopy theory / Algebraic topology / Knot theory / Complex analysis / Group theory / Monodromy / Braid group / Covering space / Braid theory / Topology / Abstract algebra / Mathematics

E. Artal J. Carmona J. I. Cogolludo n.0 20

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Language: English - Date: 2002-05-20 06:20:19